24 August, 2011


It amazes me sometimes how easy it is to derail my writing and other plans. Things happen and I sit, shell shocked, and unable to concentrate. I guess that's normal, but this summer has been crammed full of bumps in the road, some good, most not. But Stain is chugging along fairly nicely, not as quickly as I want, no, but I'm pretty happy with it.

To celebrate passing the troublesome beginning and getting into the meaty middle, I'm including a scene from Chapter 3 below the cut. It's first draft, will likely be TONS of changes, but it's fun.

I do love writing Kia and Fyn when they're together. ;)

02 August, 2011

Back on it, and a good writing night.

We're still kinda reeling over last week's many life implosions, but I'm back on Stain. Last night I wrote about 10 pages of Dien interrogating a would-be assassin - while struggling to rein in his temper - which was fun.

Today is set aside for errand running, then it's back to work.

The book is starting to fall together. Finally! Yippeeeeee!!