10 January, 2012

January Challenge Day 10

I hope you're following along with TinaJeanKrista, and Kat. If anyone else wants to play, just let me know and I'll stick you on the 30 Day Challenge blog roll. :) My list (with links to each post so far) is here.

Today is about music, specifically songs I listen to when I'm happy, sad, bored, hyped and mad.


Music has been a vital part of my entire life. My dad was a professional musician and he played guitar all of my life until he died. We constantly had the radio on, or records or tapes, and, despite our low income, he was an early adopter of music technology. We were the first people I knew with cassettes, for example, and when lots of kids were dubbing music off the radio, we were copying songs from original to cassette in my dad's dual-cassette stereo monstrosity. I grew up with amplifiers and microphones and PA systems, mixers and guitars and whammy bars and lugging all that stuff to and from my dad's van.

So, yeah. Music and me go waaaaay back. lol

In an effort to limit my blabbering - I can go on all day about songs, song writers, and the various genres of music - I'll give one song for each topic. Just to warn you, there's no genre consistency to my choices, I like all kinds of music. 

And, by the way, I sing every one of these songs. Belt them out even. Why listen if I'm not gonna sing along? ;)

Happy, I like to bop around the house to... Bootylicious

Sad is a whole other story and nothing gets me out of my funk like Guilty, as performed by the Blues Brothers

I'm usually cleaning something when I'm bored, and for that there's my Adele CD. My favorite track is Rumor Has it. For this song alone she should win a Grammy. lol It gets me motivated. 

Now for hyped. Hmm. That's kinda tricky, because I mostly just put the iPod on 'tammy dance mix' and let 'er rip, but I think I'd have to put Red Hot Chili Peppers' Give It Away near the top of the list. (sorry about the ad but I wanted to link to the studio version, not live)

I don't get mad very often, in fact, it's one of my least-likely emotions. Getting mad means to push those emotions outward and I'm not very good at that. However, I've done a lot of walking - and singing aloud all the while - to this song when I've been ticked off. Especially when we fostered our nieces and dealing with the state was such a freaking joy.

So there you have it. My list of pivotal songs, but I wish I could have included something by P!nk, Bonnie Raitt, The Eagles, 3 Doors Down, Toad the Wet Sprocket, and Tracy Chapman. But maybe they're more middle of the road musicians for me. ;)

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